Auto log in WordPress subscribers

If you're running a subscription site where subscribers are required to log in to access content, you likely experience emails from time to time from readers who struggle to log in.

This may be one of the biggest administrative hurdles when managing a login-based site.

We've recently implemented a solution that automatically logs readers in when they click links within the newsletter. The newsletter must be sent with Newsletter Glue or Mailoption for this solution to work. We're working to support other platforms directly such as MailChimp and Active campaign.

Here's how it works:

  1. Send your newsletter as you normally do via Newsletter Glue.
  2. Subscribers click any link in your newsletter and get automatically logged in.
  3. No more login hassles for your subscribers!

fastpasswp automatically adjusts links so that your readers can access your site without having to login.

If you're interested in giving it a try, check out our beta sign up page.

We're dedicated to building sustainable revenue streams for local publications.

Based in Morgantown, West Virginia